George Burns: God said: Let there be Satan so people don't blame everything on me, and let there be lawyers so people don't blame everything on Satan. Seriously, I didn't believe in demons when I was JW it didn't make any sense.....
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
I will only believe in demons if...
by deegee injws are known to have an obsession and preoccupation with demons.. this obsession and preoccupation is not without merit given that jesus, his disciples/apostles, and the general public of 1st century ce judea and galilee are reported as believing in the existence of demonic spirits and in the possibility of demon possession of an individual.. exorcism formed a large part of jesus' ministry on earth.
the gospels and the book of acts describe many exorcisms where jesus and his disciples release people from demonic possession.. ___ .
but how do demons get inside a person's brain or body?
Death and Judgement Day
by Tirisilex ini'm having a hard time with this.
what does the bible say what happens when you die?
when jesus was on the cross he said to the man that when he dies he will be with jesus in heaven.
James Mixon
Yes belief in judgement of the dead, likely Christianity copied the mythology from Ancient Egypt. Also up to the middle ages and beyond the stuff about sitting on clouds was accepted by Christian Fundamentalist.
What I miss about going out in service.
by compound complex inwell, very little, to be honest.
the structure and commitment of the ministry provided discipline necessary to my life.
therefore, i did it, as required, and felt some sense of fulfillment at the bible study stage.. i do like talking to people.
James Mixon
Mom gave me Cod Liver oil each morning before school, and it tasted like crap....The same with FS it felt like crap knocking on people doors, but I believed it would make me healthy,
If "the Truth" is the truth, why are witnesses so scared of research?
by stuckinarut2 init is an often asked question i know, but it perplexes me.. if witnesses are so convinced that they have "the truth", why is the act of researching information from external sources so taboo?
didn't the bible itself tell people to "use their powers of reason" and also praised ones like the boreans for researching things they were told??.
seriously, if there is no doubt about the organization being "god's channel" on earth, and it alone having the "truth", surely researching would only enhance such 'facts'?.
James Mixon
Rainbow: That's W.C Fields, right. Can you imagine this guy knocking on your door, a typical door to door salesman.
Attitude in Kingdom Hall vs. in church
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu inso, today i went to a different church than the jw's for the first time in over three years.. it is a protestant african church.
my first thoughts: for people who are 'trapped in babylon the great (according to watchtower) these people really seem genuingly happy and sincere in their adoration for god.
what a freedom compared to the witnesses!
James Mixon
I heard over and over again,"he or she are doing the best they can do they are here , right"; not judgmental.......
Question on the sun created in the fourth day
by opusdei1972 inin the first day elohim created light, and it was day and night in the first day.
then in the fourth day he created the sun, the moon and the stars.
of course, it did not actually happen, but what did the writer have in mind?.
James Mixon
Plants and trees get created before the sun gets created, humm. Also I guess he created Angels in one day on the 2nd day, when He made the firmament and divide the waters and God called the firmament Heaven. Or maybe the Angels were homeless up until that time.
Jehovah sure loves foreskins!
by rebel8 inan atheist (never jw) friend of mine is an rv for a jw who he is trying to deprogram.
he started this totally on his own and just telling me about it.
it's quite amusing what he comes up with.. point 1: why the s & m stuff with foreskins?
James Mixon
David and the two hundred foreskins: Did King Saul test the 200 foreskins to make sure they were men or pigs. If the Philistines were dead we are talking about a lot of shrinkage folks, you would need a very fine tool to remove 200 foreskins. That is one sick story (David)....
TV commercial seen in the United States, from a Law firm "Asking if you were ever sexually abused by JEHOVAHS WITNESSES, please call".
by Dunedain inok, so i don't know if this is "old news", and if this has been seen, and or mentioned already.
if it was, i do apologize, but i feel i have to mention what has been seen on tv, within the past 24 hours.. first off, i would like to say that i did not personally see this commercial.
however, it was seen by someone that i can verify 100% is telling the truth, as it was my own father who saw it.
James Mixon
Silver;s Law firm (Weitz and Luxembourg) rakes in millions from judges he controls. This is the best law firm to get the job done. Asbestos cases in 2015 "W&L gets the asbestos cases-and paydays, moved more quickly than those of other attorney, and reaps a fortune from favorable ruling by favorable judges, charge Lawyers and tort-reform advocates. "They've taken over a section of the courthouse, and the people in charge of the courthouse run it for them, said a disgusted lawyer who files personal injury cases in Manhattan" Money pours into their firm.
It couldn't get any better.....Yes this is the Law firm to fire with fire.....
Free Topic -Write What You Like
by tepidpoultry inwhen i was exiting (clawing my way out) i read a tremendous amount of personal.
accounts on the jw recovery page which sadly closed, .
i would like to offer an opportunity for any who would like, to say a few words on .
James Mixon
Are JW's arrogant.... You come too MY door and offer your publication, wake me out of my sleep to tell me you have the truth. But when I offer you my publication you refuse it, do you have any idea what I believe.
Are baptized Witnesses that are no longer in the "truth", but were NEVER DF'D, now to be shunned and treated like disfellowshipped ones?
by Dunedain ina relative of mine was telling me, that in his, and a few neighboring congregations, there is a little confusion amongst some of the jw's about this "issue".
some families are having a hard time about whether certain relatives will be attending certain family functions, because some family members that are no longer in the "truth", might be invited to these functions.
mind you, these persons were never disfellowshipped.
James Mixon
A baby shower given by my son mother, the JW side of the family. He followed me out over 20 years ago, his wife a Mormon. They were told to bring books for gifts, I wonder what kind of books they will bring, This will be their second shower, the first given by the non- JW side of the family. Family members (non-JW) think it so stupid, will this sh--t ever end......My son haven't been to a meeting in over 20 years and his wife a Mormon, hell he don't know his JW relatives, weird...I don't think they got the word, "treated like DF ones". They(JW's) hoping I will die soon so the family can come together, this sh---t have been going on since 1987.... That little old lady that knocked on my mother's door in 1961 she didn't get my Mom but my sister and that when it all began (the cult),that little old lady died some years ago, out of her F---- mind.....